Showing posts with label decayla von corpse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decayla von corpse. Show all posts

Vanilla Cupcake Cookies made from cupcake mix!

I made up this awesome recipe last night or shall I say at 4am! I have searched the internet all over for a vanilla cupcake flavored cookie. There is literally NO SUCH THING. All I found were cake mix cookies. Not good enough for me! Soooooo I did some experimenting and WA LA!

Let me introduce you to a very DELICIOUS cupcake cookie!

Mmmmm look how moist the inside is yet the outer shell is a crisp cookie and look at that light golden brown bottom. Perfection.



1 box Mrs. Fields Confetti Cupcake Mix (they always have it at the dollar store and .99 store)
                     1/4 cup oil                       
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla (I used more, always do)
I always use butter vanilla extract for better flavor but any vanilla will do.

I did not say how much flour because that I added as I went along. Once I mixed the egg, vanilla and oil into my cupcake mix it was still very moist and not doughy. I added a little flour at a time until I got cookie dough I was able to form in balls. Oh yea and don't forget to add extra sprinkles inside! I placed on parchment paper and had the oven set for 375 degrees and I baked them for about 8 minutes. It will vary depending on your cookie size. Check at 6 minutes. Remember you do not want to over bake because they are supposed to be soft cake like cookie.

For the icing I made it in like 1 minute. I just used powder sugar and I mixed in some sweet cream coffee creamer and some food coloring. I usually use milk in my icing but I decided to be fancy and use this instead :)

Aren't they darling? I am quite proud :D

Seriously they taste just like cupcakes. That's the point. It's a cookie on the outside and cake on the inside.

Funfetti Mug Cake

8 Tablespoons Funfetti Boxed Cake Mix
1 whole Egg Beaten
1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
3 Tablespoons Water
I added extra sprinkles in mine

Spray a mug liberally with cooking spray. Add egg, oil, and water to cake mix, and mix with a fork until creamy.
Microwave on HIGH for 1 minute 30 seconds. Microwave 30 seconds more if still gooey.
I had to microwave mine for 2 mins and 5 secs. I let it set a couple mins to cool down before removing from the mug.

The mug cakes are enough for two. I always cut mine in half. Gotta have portion control! Btw I have never had chocolate cool whip before. I am ashamed to say I have become addicted. I eat it right out of the tub like it was chocolate mousse or something. If you haven't tried should.
MissP your cupcake forks are coming in handy for these petite treats. Thank you!!!

Lemon Lavender Shortbread Cookies

Lemon and lavender were made for each other.

I just LOVE the smell of lavender. I forgot I bought some and when I walked into my house today I could smell it throughout. Baking with it is even better when mixed in cookies. The aroma is so refreshing and everyone loves the smell of cookies baking right?!

This is the part I HATE. Once I turn that switch on flour be flyin' everywhere and my baby gets covered in it. Yes I am referring to my mixer. It is my pride and joy. Anyone even talks bad about it they get a mouth full of my fist! I'm so serious.

Adding the food coloring to make my lemon cookies pop.

It looks like granules of sand but keep that mixer goin!

Ready for the final touch.

And out they come! If you look very closely past the sugar you can see the lavender buds inside. What's also awesome is that I used the cap from the lavender sprinkles to cut out my cookies into bite size medallions.

I tweaked the recipe and added measurements for 2 batches because 1 cup of flour for a cookie recipe is just ludicrous. I also added some of my own ingredients.


1 cup unsalted butter (I use sweet cream always. Always!)
2/3 cup powder sugar
Zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp lemon extract
2 tsp chopped culinary lavender buds (If you are scared it may be a little potent which I do not think so. Go ahead and cut back and use 1 tsp)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp butter vanilla extract
A couple pinches of salt
2 cups flour
yellow food coloring (optional)
lavender sugar (optional)


Preheat oven to 350. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.

Add butter, powder sugar, zest of 1 lemon, lavender, extracts and salt to bowl and beat with mixer.

Add flour and beat until dough forms. It may take a while and if it looks like it needs more flour add little by little. 

Bake for 8-10 mins.

I know I know....some of my ingredients may not be so easy to find in stores. Like the culinary lavender and the butter vanilla extract. I was lucky enough to find the lavender at the flea market at some herb and spices stand. I got the butter vanilla extract from for way cheap. Walmart carries it too but not all do as I have experienced. You can get lavender on there too. If you are not a online shopper then your best bet is to look on yelp for tea and spice shops in your area. You will find it there I promise. The butter vanilla is something I added to the recipe so if you would rather do without then make sure you replace that measurement with another tsp of vanilla extract mmmkay?


Ok so apparently I missed out on these a while back when Horton Hears A Who! came out. I had no idea they even existed until recently. They look so damn good. Sugar rush for sure and the bubble gum lollipop at the top just sells me instantly! It's like your after meal toothpick so to speak.

This is what they look like. The pancakes are plain and have a glazed icing with little rainbow chocolates thrown on. If you google "ihop Horton Hears A Who Pancakes" you will see some from all kinds of different IHOPS around the state.

Instead of plain pancakes I made cake batter pancakes. I will honestly say that these are HANDS DOWN the BEST pancakes I have EVER had. Best cake batter pancake recipe I have found and believe me...I have made quite a bunch of different ones. This one wins and I will always use it. I will give the recipe at the end.

I will also give the recipe for the glaze. I kicked it up a notch and added cupcake bites on the pancakes instead of chocolate.

BAM! Here they are with sprinkles added on top.

And here they are with the cupcake bites. Don't they just scream happy birthday? I'm sure kids will love these. They are soooooo yummy! So if you too missed out on IHOPS delicious who cakes then try mine!

Nom nom nom....

Cake Batter Pancake Recipe:

1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 cup yellow cake mix
1 Tablespoon sugar
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (I also used 1 tsp butter vanilla extract)
1-2 cups milk (Try 1 1/2 cups first because that was PERFECT)
assorted sprinkles


1 cup powdered sugar
1 Tablespoon milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
assorted sprinkles
2 Tablespoons butter, softened
Mix all the ingredients together and then pour batter on the griddle. Stack at least 5 in various sizes starting with large and then make each one smaller than the one before. Drizzle icing on the cakes and top with a lolli :)

Snow Cone Cupcakes

I had to look up a white cake recipe (posted at the bottom). One that had the right ingredients to make sure the batter would be super thick. It had 4 egg whites which was perfect. The recipe was a pain in the ass because you have to sift the dry ingredients 3 times. THREE times. I had to alternate it back and fourth from bowl to bowl when dumping it back in the sifter.

 Then you have to prepare the meringue in a separate bowl. THEN in another bowl you have to cream the butter mixture together. Between all this you also have to alternate milk and sugar in the meringue and butter mixture while you beat both.'s a pain but the good white cake recipes are all like that. You don't want to buy a box mix because that batter is too runny. You need a stiff batter if you want to do a row of colors without them bleeding into each other.

I already had the snow cone cups and straws as I do have a snow cone machine. So that is why when I saw that pic above I knew what I was going to do! Besides....those little cups are not big enough for my massive snow cones and those tiny straws yea right. I need like a super fat smoothie straw.

Anyway! I used neon food coloring. The only food coloring I will use since I discovered it. I was all out of pink so I had to go with making a green apple color, the standard purple and blue.

Once I made my batter I separated it into three bowls and dyed them each a different color. I tried to scoop it in the cups with a spoon putting the colors side by side. I obviously failed. It looked awful.

So I put the batter in piping bags. Which I should of done in the first place DUH!

Came out much better once I piped the batter in. As thick as the batter was it did not budge at all. I was able to line them all up. I did a little bit first in all 12 of the cups. I wanted to make sure I had enough to disperse evenly. Then I went back over each color with more to fill the cups almost all the way to the top.

Like so...

I bought a cake tester in one of those strip mall kitchen shops. Best $1.99 spent! It's a long metal thing that is long enough for the thickest cakes to test when done. No more small toothpicks getting lost in your cake!

Once done I removed the cupcake wrappers. Look how almost perfect that looks. Not sloppy at all.

Then I popped them into the snow cone cups.

I cut holes in a shoe box so my mother can transport them to her bunko game *rolls eyes* She always asks me to make something. I have no problem with that! :)


2 3/4 cups sifted cake flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
4 egg whites
1 1/2 cups white sugar
3/4 cup butter
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract


1. Measure sifted cake flour, baking powder, and salt; sift together three times.

2. In a mixing bowl, beat egg whites until foamy. Add 1/2 cup sugar gradually, and continue beating only until meringue will hold up in soft peaks.

3. Beat butter until smooth. Gradually add remaining 1 cup sugar, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add sifted ingredients alternately with milk a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Mix in flavorings. Add meringue, and mix thoroughly into batter. Spread batter in a 15 x 10 x 1 inch pan which has been lined on the bottom with parchment paper.

4. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool cake in pan 10 minutes, then remove from pan and transfer to a wire rack to finish cooling. This cake may also be baked in two 9 inch round pans for 30 to 35 minutes, or in three 8 inch round pans for 25 to 30 minutes.

 The recipe does not say anything about cupcake pans so I baked mine for 20 mins and it was perfect. Not a minute less or a minute more. Just make sure your cupcake cups are filled with enough batter to almost touch the top. If you only fill the cups half way then 15 mins might be perfect. I'd check after 10 mins if so.

Cherry Pie Pops

Notice the bloody bones on the "I Dig You" heart :D

This recipe is VERY simple and quick! I used the Pillsbury ready made pie crusts. Roll out the dough and use a cookie cutter.

For my pie pops I used Duncan Hines LITE cherry pie filling.

I scooped a couple cherries into each heart and placed the lollipop stick in the center. I find the dough gets a little dry and does not seal well so I used a pastry brush and brushed water on the hearts edges.

Once I sealed the edges I double sealed it with a fork all the way around.

I baked them for 10 minutes at 450

Pancake Sausage Balls

Tonight I made a boooomb ass dinner. I made these...
Pancake sausage balls. All you need are three items....sausage, pancake mix and oil.
I mixed kosher salt into my sausage before making them into little meat balls and throwing them on the pan with some oil.
I recommend a wooden skewer for this but all I had were popsicle sticks so I cut one in half and used it for the dipping/frying. Before you dip the sausage balls into the pancake mix make sure you dab off all excess oil so the batter will stick. I recommend using less water for the batter so its thick enough to coat your meatballs.
I also find that using the buttermilk pancake mix was perfect because they fluffed up into beautiful balls once fried. You just dip them in your hot oil for several seconds until browned. I did not have a deep fryer so I poured oil in a pot, turned the burner on hi and fried them like that instead. Not really a good idea because it fucked up my pot smoke alarm went off three times.
WA LA! Beautiful right?
You can put powder sugar on them and eat them like that or dip them in syrup...which I did. I'm not a maple person. I found they tasted heavenly with butter syrup.

Breakfast for dinner is ALWAYS a good choice. I hate breakfast too but there's something about having it at night. It just feels wrong.