Showing posts with label cunt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cunt. Show all posts

Cherry Pie Pops

Notice the bloody bones on the "I Dig You" heart :D

This recipe is VERY simple and quick! I used the Pillsbury ready made pie crusts. Roll out the dough and use a cookie cutter.

For my pie pops I used Duncan Hines LITE cherry pie filling.

I scooped a couple cherries into each heart and placed the lollipop stick in the center. I find the dough gets a little dry and does not seal well so I used a pastry brush and brushed water on the hearts edges.

Once I sealed the edges I double sealed it with a fork all the way around.

I baked them for 10 minutes at 450

Zombie lady fingers

What you will need

1 cup sugar
1 cup Butter, softened
1 Egg
1 tsp Almond extract
1 tsp Vanilla extract
2 2/3 cups Flour
1 tsp Salt
3/4 cup whole Almonds

Red or neon pink food coloring (I used neon because its more brighter)
Green and blue food coloring (I added the blue make streaks of different colored greens)
If you don't have one of the two extracts above no worries just double up on whichever one you have.

Combine the sugar, egg, butter, almond extract, and vanilla in a bowl. Mix in the flour, and salt. Next add your food coloring into the dough mixture. I added neon green and neon blue and kneaded the dough around to create a streaking effect. DO NOT over knead or the colors will all mix into one. You want streaks. Cover and refrigerate the dough for about 30 minutes, or until it’s firm.

Preparing the almonds
Get your whole almonds and place them in a bowl. I used a teacup. If you do not have a paint brush then use a marinating brush like I did. I used a rubber bristle one. If you do not have one then just use a spoon and toss them around with the red food coloring. Remember a little dye goes a long way so don't drown them or the skin of the almond will get too soggy and wrinkle to where it peels off. When all the almonds are coated place them on a paper towel to dry.

Shaping the cookies
When you’re ready to shape the cookies, only take out a small portion of the dough at a time. Shape the cookies into fingers by rolling and working with your hands. Score the top of the cookie with a knife or spatula to make it look like the wrinkles in your knuckle. Press an imprint into the tip of the cookie with your finger to make a spot for the almond finger nail. Press an almond into the tip of each finger to look like a fingernail
Place on a cooking sheet lightly coated with no-stick cooking spray. I really don't think you need to spray the pan because these cookies are loaded with butter so their already lubed up for easy transfer when done. I normally use a sheet of wax paper every time anyway so you can also do that if you don't have cooking spray. Bake at 325` for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the cookies are a very light golden brown on the bottom. Let the cookies cool on a drying rack.

This is what the dough should look like if you want the different shades of green in it.

Dying the almonds a little at a time with only a few drops for each batch.

Setting to dry on the paper towel.

TA DA!!!!!!

I'm bitchin' in the kitchen. Rockin' my monster kitchen apron about to bake me up a batch of zombie fingers.