First off I LOVE Joan. As a actress! Recently I just bought a DVD collection of hers. It has several movies including a documentary. She has been in over 80 movies. I haven't seen nearly half of them. Finding many are super hard too. Her first film was Lady of the Night back in 1925.
Possessed remains my favorite because it was the first movie I saw from her back when I was like 12. It was a great film and me so young at the time appreciated it for what it was. It was great. I loved black and white movies and I loved all those old classic shows too like I Love Lucy, The Munsters, The Addams Family, Bewitched, Lassie, Flipper, The Twilight Zone, Boris Karloffs Thriller, Alfred Hitchcock, etc.
Anyway. Possessed is a psychological film noir movie about a dazed woman who walks the streets of Los Angeles looking for a man named David. After collapsing in a diner, she's taken to the psychiatric ward of a nearby hospital. Flashbacks reveal her obsession for David as a result of borderline personality disorder which ultimately leads to murder..
Here is a picture of my two favorite actresses Lucille Ball and Joan Crawford. It's a rare photograph and the only photographic evidence I have seen of them together when Joan was on her show.

This was the episode called, Lucy and the Lost Star (1968) from The Lucy Show.
Lucy and Vivian's (who's visiting Lucy) car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. They walk to a house down the road to see if they can call an auto club and the house is owned by none other than Joan Crawford, the movie star. All her furniture has been sent out for cleaning, so Lucy and Viv think she's broke and try to raise money for the star.
Lucy was wary of having Joan Crawford as a guest. She had heard rumors about Crawford's toughness and ego and hard drinking. Probably the same things Crawford had heard about Lucy. Joan Crawford even admitted she was nowhere near the bitch Lucille Ball was. And yet, she's a very likeable character. Incredibly talented, but insecure. Driven, strong, unbelievably successful, but could cry at the drop of a hat. It's called "Ball of Fire".
During rehearsals of The Lucy Show, Lucy caught Joan drinking vodka out of her purse. Crawford started showing up late and/or totally missing rehearsals. When she did show up, she became panic stricken and had to be coaxed into going on. The worst moment was when Lucy found a woman scrubbing the floor of Joan's dressing room and at first didn't even realize it was nutty Joan herself! Joan was mad at the dirt and Lucy was mad at her. she fired her after the first rehearsal. This is what Lucy said...
"She was drunk. She showed up at ten o'clock in the morning for the first read-through, and she was bombed. She was drinking straight vodka from this silver flask, and she was drinking it in front of the kids.
She was saying all the words, but it was like she was a robot. About lunchtime, Joan passed out cold, and that did it. As soon as she woke up, I fired her."
Herb Kenwith, the shows director and an old friend of Crawford's, begged Lucy to give her another chance. Crawford, after her revival, said the heat had gotten to her. Lucy gave her another chance and Crawford did finish the show. Lucy admitted it was one of the worst.
Watching that episode made me a little uncomfortable. And when they made her character not a drinker, It made me laugh when she said she only drank milk. Then when Lucy and Viv told her that Gin meant Ginger ale she ordered 2 shots and downed those babies. Joan was probably one of Hollywoods BIGGEST lushes. This bish drank a quart of vodka every day. Always showing up to gigs drunk. No wonder she was psycho in real life.
If you have seen the movie Mommie Dearest or read the book then you know. It was about Joan and her relationship with one of her adopted daughters, Christina. Christina depicted her mother as a sadistic control freak who inflicted the harshest punishments for the slightest infringement of rules by her two oldest children. Joan is best known for the, "No Wire Hangers" scene where she beats her daughter with the wire hanger.
There was debate weather or not she beat her daughter with the hanger. I read Christina Crawfords book. A lot of stuff wasn't in the movie. It was hard to believe what was in that book. Joan never wanted to read it and claimed she did not. She said Christina used her name to make money off of. Money she did make because it made the best seller list and stayed there for three months.
Her daughter later came out and said that the wire hanger beating never happened. People assume she lied about her mother being that much of a monster and the real purpose of the book was because Joan left her out of the will. Not sure what else was false. I know a lot of it was true. Joan was a horrible person in real life. She showed it to the public on a daily. I love her as a actress. LOVE her as a actress. As a person I do not care for her one bit. She was horrible. Which made her psycho overly dramatic rolls she played come natural. So I guess there was a plus in that. Well except if you were one of her kids or worked with her.
She plays crazy like no other. Since she was a bitch she was cast for certain rolls. Anyone that crossed paths with her admitted that she wasn't a very pleasant person. She thought she was better than everyone else. She took stardom to her head WAY too much. It's like she was living in a movie every single day. She never was herself. She was always Joan Crawford instead of Lucille Fay LeSueur. Which is her real name.
Below I put together a bunch of the BITCHIEST quotes from her. I am sure it was the alcohol talking. I wonder if she gave up the booze if she would have been more delightful. I have seen her in some interviews when she got older and she seemed so sweet. A sweet little old lady. She talked so soft. Again though she was probably drunk too but calmed down a lot when she got older. Her voice when she's yelling makes my hair stand on end. Bish is scary. Alcohol ruined her. She died from a heart attack. Probably from the bitterness that consumed her. She died alone too. Which is incredibly sad but she had it coming I have to admit.
This is what she said about her movie, Queen Bee. HOW IRONIC!!!!
“I had a chance to play the total bitch, a worse bitch than I had played in “The Women” and for a solid ninety minutes, too. I ended up hating myself, honestly feeling that in my death scene I was getting precisely what I deserved.” -Joan
“I hate being asked to discuss those dreadful horror pictures I made the mistake of starring in. They were all just so disappointing to me, I really had high expectations for some of them. I thought that William Castle and I did our best on Strait-Jacket but the script was ludicrous and unbelievable and that destroyed that picture. I even thought that Berserk would be good but that was one of the worst of the lot. The other one William Castle and I did [I Saw What You Did] was the most wretched of them all and I just wasn’t good at playing an over-the-hill nymphomaniac. Ha! Then came Trog. Now you can understand why I retired from making motion pictures.” -Joan
“Send me flowers while I’m alive. They won’t do me a damn bit of good after I’m dead.” -Joan
This quote was when she was labeled box office poison by the Independent Theatre Owners Association of America...
“Box-office poison? Mr. Louis B. Mayer always asserted that the studio had built Stage 22, Stage 24, and the Irving Thalberg Building, brick by brick, from the income on my pictures.” -Joan
This is what she said about Marilyn Monroe...
“It was the most shocking display of bad taste I have ever seen. Look, there’s nothing wrong with my tits, but I don’t go around throwing them in people’s faces.” -Joan
This is my FAVORITE line of hers ever...
This is what she said about her adopted son Christopher...
"I remember most clearly when a teenage Christopher spat in my face. He said, “I hate you”. It’s pretty hard to overlook that. I couldn’t." -Joan
“I absolutely will not allow anyone to call me grandmother. They can call me Auntie Joan, Dee-Dee, Cho-Cho, anything but grandmother. It pushes a woman almost to the grave.” -Joan
LOL look who's talking.
This is what she said about the attention Norma Shearer got on the red carpet at MGM. Shearers husband was production head of MGM...
"What do you expect? She sleeps with the boss." -Joan
This is what she said about her rival Bette Davis...
“She has a cult, and what the hell is a cult except a gang of rebels without a cause. I have fans. There’s a big difference.”
“I’d like to think every director I’ve worked with has fallen in love with me, I know Dorothy Arzner did.” -Joan
“I love playing bitches. There’s a lot of bitch in every woman. A lot in every man.” -Joan
Below is Faye Dunaway playing the role of Joan Crawford in, Mommie Dearest.
“Don't fuck with me, fellas. This cowgirl has been to the rodeo before.” is a quote by Joan Crawford.
She sure made a damn good Joan and also had that angry voice of Joans that gave you the chills.
This is what she said about Bette Davis in the movie, The Star...
“Of course I had heard she was supposed to be playing me, but I didn’t believe it. Did you see the picture? It couldn’t possibly be me. Bette looked so old, and so dreadfully overweight.” -Joan
Ding dong the witch is dead!
Seriously. This is how Joan looks on the inside....
This is what she said about Greta Garbo...
"She’s let herself go all to hell. She walks along the sidewalk and runs across the street through the cars when somebody notices her, like an animal, a furtive rodent. It’s a wonder anybody notices her she looks like a bag lady. I heard that she’s simply stopped bathing." -Joan
"I'm just too much." -Joan
“I never go outside unless I look like Joan Crawford the movie star. If you want to see the girl next door, go next door.” -Joan
This is what she said about Liz Taylor...
“She is a spoiled, indulgent girl, a blemish on public decency.” -Joan
“Nobody can imitate me. You can always see impersonations of Katharine Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. But not me. Because I’ve always drawn on myself only.” -Joan
This is what she said to her housekeeper when she prayed out loud for her while on her deathbed...
“Damn it. Don’t you dare ask God to help me.” -Joan
You said it Joan <3
“Women’s lib? Poor little things. They always look so unhappy. Have you noticed how bitter their faces are?” -Joan
“Over the years I’ve heard and read so many stories about the way Judy Garland was so badly treated at Metro she ended up a mess. I did not know her well, but after watching her in action a few times I didn’t want to know her well. I think her problems were caused by the fact that she was a spoiled, indulgent, selfish brat plus a stage mother who had to be something of a monster, and a few husbands whose egos absolutely dominated hers. There were times when I felt sorry for Judy, but there were more times when I thought, ‘For Christ’s sake, get off your ass!’ …but when she put her mind to it, she was good. And I mean damned good. Even in her silly pictures she came off.” -Joan
Joan. You are a arrogant, egotistical, judgemental, bitch.
In closing. Don't ever make me go Joan on that ass. It isn't pretty.
But goddamn was she a FANTASTIC actress!!!